Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Movie War Games - 1556 Words

People are known to be very curious and intelligent individuals. With the new developments every year, people are becoming more involved with new research and discoveries. The thirst for knowledge has become very strong for scientists especially. Although having knowledge can be a good thing it is also a very powerful weapon. It could be used for good or for evil, but most of the time people go too far and without intending to, uses their knowledge for evil. People are not known to be perfect and they make mistakes, but they learn from their mistakes so that they do not make the same fault they did the last time. But can people make the same mistake twice, after seeing the results of their first mistake? Are people really just Einstein’s monsters – not fully human and always bringing destruction among their own kind? A good example would be the film â€Å"War Games†. The film â€Å"War games† serves as a metaphor that the United States have not learned any thing from their mistake, despite having dropped the atomic bomb and knowing its effects on Japan and its people. The film â€Å"War Games† is a 1983 cold war science-fiction film directed by John Badham. In the film, a teenage boy named David along with his friend Jennifer hacks into a computer game. They begin to play this game called â€Å"Global Thermonuclear war† where they get to choose whether to bomb the USA or Russia. They begin bombing the USA and without realizing it, access the ‘War Operation Plan Response’ a United StatesShow MoreRelatedStar Wars : The Movie, Toys, And Video Games1435 Words   |  6 Pages While the current six movies of Star Wars cannot begin to tell all the stories of its universe, these stories are told through its extensive side stories, known as the Expanded Universe. 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